This time of year, I consider myself lucky when my husband comes home during waking hours or is still around when our house wakes up. Rain, breakdowns, or extremely tired farmers that need a few hours extra sleep are the causes of such visits at home with my farmer husband. In order to catch an hour, thirty minutes, a couple minutes, or just a few seconds with my husband, we have to go visit him in the field.
Sometimes our intended visits are shorter than planned: a field could be too difficult to have passengers riding along, the farmers may be too hard to get to, equipment may be broken down and all the men are busy working on it, the weather may not permit it, or curious toddlers can cut a tractor ride short. On the other hand, a visit can last the entire evening with tractor and combine rides along with the farmers stopping to enjoy dinner with the entire farm family and crew.
Tonight we were able to visit with Daddy, but for just a few short minutes (or in my case, seconds). On our way home from having dinner with Granny and Gramps (my kids’ great-grandparents), we stopped at the grain bin facility where we waited for farmer Daddy to come by with a semi-truck to dump corn. He didn’t know we were going to be there, so I knew it would be a surprise. As he pulled up in the semi-truck, he waved and the kids both smiled and yelled, “Daddy! Daddy! It’s Daddy!” Gavin got out of the car to take a quick ride with him to dump the corn and Layla and I stayed in the car.
These days and night, farm women and children take what we can get when it comes to seeing our husbands and fathers. I make sure that I keep a stack of papers to grade and magazines I haven’t had the time to read in months in the passenger seat and plenty of DVD’s and snacks to keep the kids happy in the back seat.
The twenty seconds I got to see my husband tonight was worth it. Gavin’s five minute ride with Daddy was worth it (he talked about it all night). Layla smiling and waving at him through the car window was worth it. And the sunset to end the beautiful fall night was definitely worth it!
Here we are waiting (you can see my vehicle to the far right) |
The kids stay occupied watching The Lorax in the backseat (what a great movie, by the way) |
The last 30 of 90 papers I've graded in the car this past week |
Daddy arrives!!! And he takes Gavin for a quick trip to dump the corn |
Farmer Daddy and Gavin |
Our visit with Daddy was complete with this awesome sunset |
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